Child support payments may linger into adulthood

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child support on Thursday, November 7, 2019.

Kansas parents and others who are divorced or separated may be entitled to child support payments. While these payments typically end when a child turns 18, there are exceptions to this rule. For instance, parents may receive financial assistance until a child graduates from high school or until a son or daughter turns 21. Noncustodial parents may be required to help pay a son or daughter’s college tuition or make additional support payments for an adult child who is in college.

In some cases, parents are responsible for financially supporting a child if that individual is going to school full-time. In Missouri, support payments will cease at age 22 regardless of whether that person is still in school or not. Child support payments could be modified if a parent experiences a change in financial circumstances. Payments can also be terminated if a child is emancipated prior to reaching the age of majority.

Parents should review a child support order carefully to learn more about when and how payments may be modified or terminated. Both the custodial and noncustodial parents will be given a copy of the order and a chance to review it. Understanding the details of an existing order may make it easier for parents to create a long-term financial plan for themselves and their children.

Child support laws are generally designed to preserve the best interests of a minor. Furthermore, child support may make it possible for parents to raise their children without having to rely on public services. Those who fail to make payments as required may lose a professional license or be subject to other penalties. Parents who have questions about their support obligation may want to talk with an attorney. An attorney may also help individuals get an existing order modified.

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